Workers World Today

Home Workers World Today

The best leader is the hardest worker. Whether it’s business, politics, unions, etc., we can identify our leaders by their work ethic. But, not all workers get the rewards they have earned or the recognition they deserve. Our publication, Workers’ World Today, features news, views, and interviews empowering all workers with the recognition they deserve and rewards earned. Workers’ World Today, a free publication, is working with our Chamber partners, the Hispanic American International Chamber of Commerce (HAICC), the African American International Chamber of Commerce (AAICC) and the New American Chamber of Commerce (NACC), to achieve two unique goals: the Chambers and Workers’ World Today will, one, empower workers to start a union and, two, help all workers to make the transition from worker to business owner. Is this a contradiction? NO; this is our new and real reality.

Workers’ World Today Columns: From Worker to Business Owner (ESOP), Workers’ Compensation, SSD & Personal Injury, The Good Shop Steward, Workers’ Rights vs. Students’ Rights, Civil Rights or Social Justice? Family: The True Modern Relationship, Home Ownership, Real Estate Development, Retirement, This Day in Workers’ History, We Are the Leadership, Around the Globe, Organizing a Union, Health, Education, Politics and Old & New Immigrants: Their Rights


How To Form A Union

To begin forming a union where you work, you must first find out if your co-workers want to form a union. Gauge their interest by quietly talking to a few trusted co-workers who you think may be interested in improving your workplace.

From Worker To Business Owner: A Mentorship Program

From Worker (or Union Worker) to Business Owner Mentorship (membership)Program was designed by the Chamber’s CEO, Brian Figeroux, Esq., a former Union Member and Shop Steward. Without the hardworking and highly trained work force, the United States could not be the prosperous business nation it is today. To assist workers in making the successful transformation to business owners, the New American Chamber of Commerce, the Hispanic American International Chamber of Commerce and the African American International Chamber of Commerce were formed. Visit for full details. Call 718-722-9217 to schedule an appointment to join.

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